Barrister & Solicitor Serving Midland, Ontario and Southern Georgian Bay

Midland, Ontario Wills Lawyer

Attorney Serving Midland, Ontario & Southen Georgian Bay for Wills & Powers of Attorney


Having an up-to-date will prepared by a lawyer means that, in the event of your death, your family won't have to guess at what your wishes would have been. Major life events such as marriages, births, and divorces can affect your will, so keeping it current is important.

Call today to set up an appointment for the drafting of your will.

Powers of Attorney

You can use a power of attorney to give another person specific rights to act on your behalf. For example, if you have been diagnosed with the early stages of a disease like Alzheimer's, you may want to choose a trusted friend or relative to make certain decisions, and have the right to sign on your behalf. A lawyer can help you draft your Power of Attorney document so that it gives all the rights you wish, and none that you don't.

Call today to set up an appointment to draft your power of attorney.

Jeremy Herron


551 Dominion Ave. • P.O. Box 215

Midland, ON L4R 4K8

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